Professional Coaching In Toronto


Take a look at some of my recent work.

You Have The Solution To The Obstacle Within You. I Will Help You Discover It. 

I strive to make ordinary days extraordinary, and I am excited to join with you to (re)build your life and live it fully.

-Nicki Monahan

A Case for Coaching in Faculty Development 

Athletes and executives have coaches, so why not faculty members in higher education? Learn how coaching can help make your teaching life fuller and more satisfying.


Brave Classrooms and Courageous Conversations 

Hate is alive and well. As an educator, we need to learn how to have courageous conversations that help build bridges across differences. 


Keeping Introverts in Mind in Your Active Learning Classroom 

North American culture values extroversion over introversion. Learn approaches that will invite introverts into important conversations.


More Content Doesn’t Equal More Learning 

A trend in higher education is to continually add more to curriculum; more reading, more content, more resources. But, this actually beneficial? Learn how "less is more" in designing curriculum. 


Ready To Take Action?

If you're ready to take the first step,  please email me at for a free 30 minute consultation. Let’s start framing your vision, establishing your goals, and (re) creating the life you deserve. I can't wait to get started.