Toronto Based Professional Coach

Is Coaching For Me?

If you’re ready to (re)build your life, I’m ready to help you make it happen.

You Have The Solutions Within You. I Will Help You Discover Them

"Nicki became my coach at a time of tremendous personal change ~ Focusing was very difficult and I was at  a cross-road.  With Nicki’s wise and intuitive coaching, I have been able to ‘focus’ and prioritize my goals, so that I have been able to ACHIEVE them. My journey has been life changing ~ and I thank Nicki, my coach!".

-Licia D 

 Therapy Focuses On The Before, Coaching Is For Your Future. 

With a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology, I know the power of exploring our past to reveal trauma and attachment wounds, which pattern our ways of being in the world. While counselling often looks to the past, coaching is mainly present and future oriented. We may dip into the past, but we will focus fully on present feelings, mindsets, attitudes, and behaviour. Being fully present in the here and now opens up possibilities for shifting thinking, feeling, being and living.

Coaching is a collaborative process built on mutual respect and authenticity. Consider me your thinking partner. I trust that you are the expert in your own life, and once you clarify your vision, we can build the capacity to realize it. Through attuned listening, powerful questions, direct communication, and appropriate challenges, we will explore barriers (sometimes self-constructed) and build plans to help you live the life you desire and deserve.  

What You Can Expect:

Coaching is a collaborative adventure in which we partner to look clearly at your life’s current circumstances: the good, the bad, and the scary. From our initial conversation, which identifies the scope of the coaching, we will build a future vision and work towards it. Through both serious and playful conversation, we’ll figure out what needs accepting, and what’s possible to change. We may need to sit for a while with pain, loss, grief, disappointment, or fear. But when you are a ready, we can begin to take steps to move forward. 

You are in the driver's seat of your life, and I'll help you navigate to get you where you want to go. 

Ready To Take Action?

If you're ready to take the first step,  please email me at for a free 30 minute consultation. Unlock a new level of fulfilment in your personal and professional life through clarity and new perspectives. I can't wait to get started.